Monday, 25 February 2008,21:21
OT Two new Quaker blinkies
I've made two new Quaker blinkies:

You are free to place one of them into your blog,
please link them to this blog.


posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 4 quaker comments
Quaker Nashville 2008 and late February news
Newest Quaker releases

From Blackbird Designs
book Thank you Sarah TobiasButtons And Pins

Lady Quaker Silhouette
Quaker Year Merry Winter

From La-D-Da
Quaker Alphabet

From The Spinning Monkey
Hannah Horsfall 1809

Quaker Pig and Rooster
images source:
Stitching Bits and Bobs

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 1 quaker comments
Tuesday, 19 February 2008,01:52
Hunt Sampler Piece

Design: Hunt Sampler (some motifs taken from an A Mon Ami Pierre freebie)
Designer: Homespun Samplar
Stitch Count: 45 x 45
Dimensions: approx 3 x 3
Fabric: 32 count lambswool jobelyn over: 2 (some motifs are over 1)
Floss: dmc variations radiant red #4210
Embellishments: brass charms
Finishing: Fair and Square exchange
Partner: Clare of Ms. Sew and Sew
Stitched By: Tracy from the Passion of my Needle
Visit me Here

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posted by quakered Anonymous | quaker link | 1 quaker comments
Sunday, 17 February 2008,21:51
BBD Quaker House
Please excuse the wrinkles & all, but I wanted to share my finish. I love the colors of this piece!

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posted by quakered Anonymous | quaker link | 1 quaker comments
Friday, 8 February 2008,12:19
Victoria's Quaker
Hi, just wanted to share my progress on my very first Quaker. This is a WIP that I started last year and just picked it back up. I've gotten a lot done on it and it's coming along pretty fast. I'm stitching it using Anchor floss and I can't remember the exact number at the moment.
Please excuse the wrinkles and sorry the photo is not all that great.

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posted by quakered Sandy | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Wednesday, 6 February 2008,14:27
Quaker Christmas WIP
I haven't posted here in awhile so thought I'd pop by and say HI! In January, I started QUAKER CHRISTMAS which I adore. Here's my progress so far on it!
The colors are GAST in Deep Sea, Cranberry and Mustard Seed.

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posted by quakered Tanya | quaker link | 8 quaker comments
Tuesday, 5 February 2008,16:01
Heartstruck Quakers
Wanted to share a Market release with you! Last year I posted I was working on a whimsical Quaker and thought you would enjoy seeing the results! I did a wooden box lid finish as well as a pinkeep and proud to say I did the finishes myself!

Midnight Stitching

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posted by quakered Marianne | quaker link | 3 quaker comments
Sunday, 3 February 2008,10:05
Quaker February news
Newest Quaker releases

From Blackbird Designs
Loose Feathers #29
Where My Heart Blooms

From With My Needle
Quaker Turtles

From The Sweetheart Tree
Blue Mountain Bunny Teenie Tweenie

From Dinky Dyes Designs

Butterfly Garden (left)

Lasseter's Reef (right)

The MinMin (bottom)

images source:
Stitching Bits and Bobs

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 0 quaker comments