About 2 weeks ago, I finished stitching the "Sarah Moon Quaker Sampler", from the Ackworth School. I made my own color conversion from AVAS to Splendor silk, and also changed some colors that were to pale for my taste.
I personalized the sampler to reflect that this was a SAL project with 3 Spaniard friends, adding theirs initials too:

When I started stitching this sampler, I decided to do my own version, not an exact replica, correcting some mistakes that the original design has and re-charted many motifs to avoid the overlapping. Here is the final result:

Back of the stitched piece:

Was stitched on linen fabric 40ct, color antique white, 1x2, with silk threads. More details about this project in my blog:
Magicxstitch.Labels: Ackworth, Finished, Mayté, Quaker Sampler