Thursday, 30 August 2007,16:54
Serenity Update
Just a quick update on the Quaker styled "Serenity " I'm working on.
I am almost there with the finish, here is a quick snap.

My BP piece has really gotten put aside as I work on this.
But, I am going back to BP stitching this Sunday as part of my new stitching rotation!!.
Take care,
Labels: Edgar, Examplers From the Heart, Serenity, WIP
Wednesday, 29 August 2007,17:36
Abbey Lane

Hello, I am new to this blog but not to the blogging community. Many of you might know me already as I have been blogging with you for several months now. This piece is from an Abbey Lane design called "A New Beginning" and I have repositioned many of the motifs and left many out. This piece is one of my favorites, I plan on making it into a pillow or pillow case when I am done. I often go by Teejay in the blogging community.
Visit my blog here.
Labels: A New Beginning, Abbey Lane, Tracy
Friday, 17 August 2007,09:44
Progress is slow
I am stitching Beatrix Potter on 36 count Lakeside Linens Vintage Light exemplar with The Threadgatherer's Nan's Mulberry. I started with a different color, didn't like it and restarted with this which is my current favorite color. I am looking forward to making a lot of Sunday progress on this piece which is a lot of fun to stitch. I am new to blogging so have yet figured out how to post a picture but will try after this weeks progress.
Labels: Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler, Marjo, WIP
Thursday, 16 August 2007,00:59
A quaker finish!
This is today's finish. Exampler Dame's Quaker Black Swan Sampler on 32 ct. linen with Vikki Clayton's silks. Anyone that uses her floss, may be aware of her D-Bags. This was stitched entirely with those silks.
Labels: Exampler Dame, KarenV
Monday, 13 August 2007,18:44
Finally begun

After searching for just the right fabric, and getting this lovely "gray flannel" 36 ct from
Sassy's Fabrics, I've finally started stitching
Martha Brady and I love it!!
Labels: Martha Brady, NancyN, WIP
Friday, 10 August 2007,21:15
Beatrix moving along....

A little more progress. The little frog came to visit and slowed me down a bit. I still am off on one of the motifs, but I think I am going to ignore it until I am finished and then decide if I feel like it matters. Life is too short to worry about backs and being one stitch off! If you can find the mistake, I will send you a spool of Vikki Clayton silks!
Labels: Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler, KarenV, SAL, WIP
Monday, 6 August 2007,02:39

I finally finished this little project ... took way too long but life's been just a bit busy. ;o) This is from With My Needle, "Elisa's Pyn Pillow". Now to decide how I want to finish it.
Labels: Elisa's Pyn Pillow, NancyN, With My Needle
Sunday, 5 August 2007,01:43
Finally...something to show you!

I don't think I have ever posted to this blog before, even though I have been reading it for several months now. I wanted to join because I am a quaker nut, but haven't had a moment to start Beatrix Potter. Wednesday evening, I finally just started it, even though I had wanted to complete some things first. I am a serial starter, so you may not see too much finished!!
Labels: Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler, KarenV