Monday, 30 April 2007,15:18
My Sixth Progress

Questo è il mio sesto progresso: ho ricamato tutte le lettere, terminando le crocette con il WDW Schneckely e con il WDW Palomino. Il filato che mi manca, l'OWS Weeping Willow, è in arrivo dagli Stati Uniti.
My sixth progress: I've finished all the letters and the little pink house. I'm waiting for the OWS thread.Labels: My Quaker House, SAL, Veronica, WIP
Saturday, 28 April 2007,11:18
Hello everyone!
Veronica invited me to join you and as I've come to love Quakers I'm very happy to be here!
I'm stitching Carriage House Sampling's Quaker Stocking at the moment and I want to start Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler before too long. I'm also in a Quaker RR with some lovely ladies :)
Anyway, I thought you might like to see my main Quaker finishes...
First was Blackbird Design's Quaker Garden, stitched on the recommended R&R fabric with WDW and DMC. I loved doing this one and I love seeing it hanging on the wall too!

Then was the Quaker a 6 Mains freebie, stitched on 40ct Lakeside Linen Pearled Barley with Dinky Dyes Midnight and Silk n Colors Wintered Grass. This took ages to do as I got distracted in the middle!

And last is Long Dog Samplers The Token, which I stitched one over one on 32ct lugana using Gloriana Cranberry. I need to scan it in to get a better picture, so I'll share that with you when I can.

I love all the SAL pictures. They look great!
Labels: A Mon Ami Pierre, Blackbird Designs, Gigi-on-line, Long Dog Samplers, Nicki, Quaker a 6 Mains, Quaker Garden, The Token
Friday, 27 April 2007,12:05
Hello stitchers,
do you like the new signatures?
I've created one for every member. I've done it for you in your last post; you can copy the code from it.
What you have to do is:
- login to blogger and go in the dashboard;
- select "modify post": you can modify only the posts you've created;
- go to your last post, where I put your signature for you and press "modify";
- go to the "HTML modify" label, at the left of the "Write" label;
- go to the end of the post and copy the code (it starts with a < and continue with div style="text-align ...)
- copy it in a doc file, to conserve it for the future.
When you'll write your new post, go to the HTML modify label and paste the code you've saved; you'll have your signature at the end of your new post!
Write me if you have some difficulties.
Members who haven't still published a post can copy it when I'll put the signature for them.
Labels: Quaker stash
Tuesday, 24 April 2007,18:28
new little progress!!!

Eccolo, è un piccolo avanzamento, ma mi ha permesso di finire lo schema nella parte inferiore, ora sono a metà, prossimamente inizierò a lavorare alla parte superiore; ribadisco che è davvero scorrevole e piacevolissimo da ricamare!
Labels: Elena, My Quaker House, SAL, WIP
posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette

quaker link |
Monday, 23 April 2007,16:53
My Quaker House finished

I finished up work on My Quaker House yesterday. What a lovely piece to work on. I did mine on 32 count Sandcastle linen from Silkweavers using most of the recommended Weeks Dye Works threads. My next Quaker piece will be
Quaker Sampling II from With My Needle. I'm going on vacation starting May 5th so I'll start work on it then.
Labels: Blackbird Designs, Margie, My Quaker House
My fifth progress

Ecco il mio progresso di ieri. Ho lavorato soprattutto sulla parte superiore dello schema. Devo dire che è difficile stargli lontano una settimana intera...
This is my yesterday progress, mainly on the superior part of the chart. I'm having so much fun stitching it!Labels: My Quaker House, SAL, Veronica, WIP
Friday, 20 April 2007,20:20
Here's my progress from last week on the SAL. I must say I'm having a whole bunch of fun with the colors. :)

Labels: My Quaker House, Ruth, SAL, WIP
Thursday, 19 April 2007,14:55
Quaker shopping

Appena arrivati! Ho ordinato questi due stupendi schemi quaker presso
Kunst & Vliegwerk, un negozio online olandese specializzato in samplers, e nel giro di tre giorni sono giunti a destinazione. Nel pacco, oltre agli schemi, c'era anche uno schema freebie.
Devo dire che sono stati veloci e precisi, ed i prezzi sono ottimi.
Just arrived from Kunst & Vliegwerk, an online needlework shop specialized in samplers. I found that shop punctual and convenient.Labels: Quaker stash, Veronica
Tuesday, 17 April 2007,00:17
I started a new Quaker piece...

This is a SAL that just started yesterday. I didn't get to stitch much but at least it's started! The design is AMAP's Victoria's Quaker using Anchor #44 on 36 ct Light Sand Edinboro. Hope to stitch on it more soon!
Happy stitching,
Labels: A Mon Ami Pierre, Amy, Victoria's Quaker, WIP
Monday, 16 April 2007,10:30
Fourth progress

Ecco il mio ultimo progresso su questo delizioso schema.
Non ho potuto lavorarci molto ieri ma l'avanzamento è comunque visibile. Mi manca tuttora il filato OWS richiesto per le foglioline. L'ho ordinato ma ancora non è partito dagli Stati Uniti.
My fourth progress on the Quaker House. It's a lovable pattern and I'm having much fun stitching it.Labels: My Quaker House, SAL, Veronica, WIP
Sunday, 15 April 2007,17:55
Third wip

Per oggi ripongo l'ago riguardo a questo delizioso schema, è un piccolo avanzamento, ma sono soddisfatta, non vedo l'ora di vederlo incorniciato nella mia casetta nuova, ci starà benissimo!
Labels: Elena, My Quaker House, SAL, WIP
posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette

quaker link |
My first progress photo

Many thanks for letting me join in the fun! I love to do Quaker inspired designs and have finished several over the past few months. Here is my progress on My Quaker House from BBD. I started working on it last week when KarenV saw a progress photo on my blog and mentioned this group to me. I'm stitching it on Silkweavers 32 count Sandcastle with most of the recommended fibers. It's a very fun piece to work on and I love seeing all the progress photos and I look forward to seeing every ones other beautiful Quaker inspired work.
Labels: Margie, My Quaker House, SAL, WIP
Thursday, 12 April 2007,08:37
Workbasket scissors keeper

Con un pezzettino di bordo ho realizzato questo sacchetto che uso come porta forbici da viaggio (naturalmente se il viaggio è in treno o in macchina). L'ho ricamato con Gloriana silk thread uno su uno con un disegno freebie di Workbasket che potete trovare sul sito.
I stitched this little scissors keeper over one on a little piece of french band. I use it very often when I travel by car or by train. Gloriana silk thread was the best to use for this project.The design is a freebie from Workbasket website,it is easy and quickly to stitch.
Labels: Niky, Quaker trees, The Workbasket
Tuesday, 10 April 2007,09:55
Workbasket cat bag

Difficilmente eseguo un ricamo due volte, ma il gatto quaker necessitava di un'altra collocazione da dimostrare oltre a quella che vi già mostrato confezionata a sacchettino con le punte. Per cui l'ho ricamato di nuovo e su lino 32ct realizzando questa borsa da passeggio che è piaciuta molto.
It doesn't happen that I repeat my stitching so often, but in this case I needed to show a different finishing for Quaker cat, so I stitched it again but on 32ct linen and I got this bag that I used a lot, and that many people liked. Labels: Niky, Quaker animals
Monday, 9 April 2007,20:20
SAL Progress
Sure there was a fair amount of frogging due to me not being able to see properly in the middle of the night, but I had a lot of fun getting this far:

Labels: My Quaker House, Ruth, SAL, WIP
Second wip

eccolo...ricamato ieri sera....devo dire che è molto piacevole e scorrevole da fare, oltre che carinissimo......non vedo l'ora che arrivi la prossima domenica per rimetterci le manine.....quanto mi prudono!!!!!!
Labels: Elena, My Quaker House, SAL, WIP
posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette

quaker link |
Deliri notturni...
Ore: 6.15 del mattino. Mi son svegliata perché
la mia gatta, in calore, strillava. Mi alzo, cerco di acchiapparla per chiuderla in bagno ma lei, furba, si è nascosta. Torno a letto, parlo al telefono col moroso che è appena giunto al lavoro, e arriva la delinquente a chiedere le coccole.
Ed ecco che, nel pieno delle fusa della suddetta, mi balena un'idea quaker: realizzare una corsia per il mio tavolo con gli animali quaker di
The Workbasket che si alternano sul bordo.
Appena mi alzo, individuo
una tela possibile, anche se non ancora quella definitiva.
Voi che ne pensate?
Night raveAn idea came to me this early morning: stitch a tablerunner with the quaker animals of The Workbasket alongside the borders. Who wants to join me (as a second SAL after My Quaker House)?Labels: Quaker ideas
Sunday, 8 April 2007,23:57
Third progress

Spero che abbiate passato bene la Pasqua; io benissimo, in compagnia di questo splendido schema. A parte la pausa per preparare la pasta ammassata, e poi stasera lo stufato d'agnello e le patate al forno, non ho fatto altro che ricamare la mia Quaker House. Ci sta qualche errorino qua e là, ma tanto non si notano.
My third progrees on this nice patterns. I hope you have passed a good Easter day; mine was fantastic stitching my Quaker House!Labels: My Quaker House, SAL, Veronica, WIP
Saturday, 7 April 2007,19:53
Blackbird needle keeper

Un altro semplice ricamo tratto dal nuovo libro di Blackbird design. Ho confezionato il ricamo come un porta aghi e gli spilli sono di mia produzione.
This's another simple work from the newest Blackbird Design little book. I finished it as needle keeper, the pins are made by... me.
Labels: Blackbird Designs, Niky, Quaker pinkeeps
Small Quaker Pinkeep
This blog is a great idea! Thanks so much for setting it up and for Vero for allowing me to join in :)
I thought I'd share a picture of a tiny Quaker pinkeep I stitched last year. It's Tiny Inspirations Quaker by Thistle Threads; I stitched it one over two on 40ct Antique White linen with my own choice of threads.

Labels: KarenV, Quaker pinkeeps
Friday, 6 April 2007,19:12
Floss toss
Well I cut my fabric (Wichelt's hand-dyed jobelan in "Summer Sky") and picked threads (Olde Willows: Raspberry Ripple, Vampire Kiss, Frankenstein, Sandy Beach, and Grape Soda; Sampler Threads Liberty and Freedom). Now, just waiting for Sunday.... :)

Labels: My Quaker House, Ruth
Second WIP

Il giorno designato per questo ricamo è la domenica, ma considerando che domenica prossima è Pasqua e quella successiva è l'anniversario del mio fidanzamento, ho la scusa buona per portarmi avanti in anticipo.
Anche se, ad essere sincera, non gli riesco proprio a resistere!
My second progress on My Quaker House. I love it more at every new stitch!Labels: My Quaker House, SAL, Veronica, WIP
Quaker Pinkeep

This is a Quaker Pinkeep I stitched & finished in March. The design is from With My Needles Ackworth Friendship Book. It's stitched on 36 ct Antique White Edinboro using Crescent Colours Soie Belle Chesters Blue silk. I have many more Quaker designs in the "to do" pile & I'm happy to find other "Quaker fans" to share with.
Happy stitching,
Labels: Amy, Quaker pinkeeps, With My Needle
Thursday, 5 April 2007,16:01
Quaker mouse scissors keeper

Ho ricamato questo Quaker mouse in aereo durante il ritorno da Nashville, ho pensato che fosse carino utilizzarlo per raccogliere le mie forbicine antiche da ricamo.
I stitched this Quaker mouse on my way back from Nashville last February. I thought that it was a good idea to finish it as scissors keeper for my old scissors.
Labels: Niky, Quaker animals, The Workbasket
Wednesday, 4 April 2007,22:40
Hello everyone!
I am happily joining your SAL. I can hardly wait to get home to pick out fabric and treads for the Blackbird Quaker House pattern!
Currently the Quaker I'm working on is Midsummer Night Designs' "Quaker Meetinghouse". Completed it is supposed to look like this:

But I am not using the colors it calls for so my WIP looks a little different:

The threads I changed to are Silk and Colors "Stormy Skies" (blue), Sampler Threads "Grape Leaf" (green), and Silk and Colors "Nan's Mulberry" (pink). I think I am stitching on 32-count parchment jobelan.
Labels: Midsummer Night Designs, Quaker introduction, Quaker Meetinghouse, Ruth
Blackbird Designs "My quaker house"
Ecco My quaker house. Ho iniziato a ricamare questo disegno subito dopo il mio rientro da Nashville, mi è piaciuta subito, purtroppo ho scelto di ricamarla su un lino 45ct...morale ci ho messo un pò a finirla ed ora devo trovare qualcosa di bello per fare risaltare il duro lavoro.
This is My quaker house. I started to stitch it when I got back from Nashville, because I loved this Blackbird design. Unfortunately I picked out a 45ct piece of linen, so it was really hard to finish it. I need to find a nice frame for this difficult work!
Labels: Blackbird Designs, My Quaker House, Niky
Tuesday, 3 April 2007,22:04
Quaker garden from Blackbird Designs

Questo bellissimo giardino di Blackbird Designs ha trovato posto su di una vecchissima macchina per cucire della nonna nel corridoio della nostra casa... Quando arriva la primavera il suo posto è lì, a dare il benvenuto ai nostri ospiti.
This beautifull Blackbird Designs garden is standing on a very old sewing machine that is in our house, when spring is coming this garden tells "welcome" to everybody who comes in our house. Labels: Blackbird Designs, Niky, Quaker Garden
Quaker cat, bunny and swan

Ho ricamato questi quaker animals su differenti tipi di lino, il gatto è su un 40ct Green slate, il coniglio su Sand e il cigno su Lakeside blue; tutti i lini sono di Lakeside linen.
Ho confezionato dei sacchetti utili per riporci il lavoro o per della lavanda da usare come profuma ambienti da attacare alle maniglie delle porte o alle finestre.
I stitched this Quaker animals on different kind of linen, the cat is on Green slate, the bunny on Sand and the swan on Lakeside blue. i finished them as little sewing bags or sachets. I hope you like these animals as I do.
Labels: Niky, Quaker animals, The Workbasket
The Workbasket Quaker Sampler

Ho ricamato questo Sampler per The Workbasket quattro anni fa, ho usato lino Lentil di Lakeside linen e filati Sampler Threads. All'interno dei cuori centrali ho inserito le date importanti della mia vita, quella del matrimonio e quelle della nascita dei miei figli.
I stitched this sampler for The Workbasket four years ago. I used lentil linen from Lakeside and Sampler Threads.I stitched my Wedding date and my sons birhtdays inside of the hearts in the middle.Labels: Niky, Quaker Sampler, The Workbasket
Monday, 2 April 2007,19:22
First WIP
My first WIPI'm using a Zweigart 28ct jubilee color mint fabric with the requested threads.Labels: My Quaker House, SAL, Veronica, WIP

Vorrei mostrarvi questi due ricami tratti dal libro di Blackbird Designs "With Needle & Thread", si tratta di Tupil & Star pinkeep e di Bluebird's needles & pins.
Labels: Blackbird Designs, Elena
posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette

quaker link |