Wednesday, 23 July 2008,13:15
Just a quick Hello from me to introduce myself,
My name is Rachael and I hope to start A Quaker Christmas soon,
even though I shouldn't really start any new things.
My blog can be found
hereLabels: Quaker introduction, Rachael
Monday, 21 July 2008,21:23
A gift for Giulia
I haven´t been posting lately, too much work and few time for stitching, but I want to share with you a little Quaker Sample that I made for Giulia Manfredini, italian designer of Giulia Punti Antichi.

I designed this sampler, using different quaker motifs from my quaker collection, as a gift for her in our get together this week. I placed the sampler in the lid of a leather box. You can see more picture of this sampler and us, in my blog posted on July 17th:
MagicxstitchI used linen 40ct, in color antique white, stitched 1x2 with Gloriana's silks.
Thanks for looking & Happy stitching day!!
MaytéLabels: Mayté, Quaker ideas
posted by quakered Mayté Bermúdez-García

quaker link |
Well, sad news for me.....
Mercy was my Quaker Critter exchange partner and I mailed hers out on June 27, I fear it has gone missing, she has not received hers yet. I wanted her to see what I had stitched for her. It was perfect for her, since her blog name is Pretty in Pink. Oh well, thanks for nothing mr. postman!
I've stitched her a replacement and will be getting it out to her soon!
Sunday, 20 July 2008,19:53
I am new... this blog....I really love what you are doing, especially the actual exchange, great stitching ;-))
I am Gaby from Germany, I know several of you, sure we are all bloggers;-)))
After our vacation I will show you how quaker inspired I am;-))
Labels: Gaby, Quaker introduction
Friday, 18 July 2008,18:49
And the not so good news is...
upon my arrival home and finding my missing mail (the lovely swan from
Carol) I also found a familiar envelope in one of those "oops we goofed" pastic wrappers from the post office. My package (mailed the 28th) to other side of the country took the scenic route through at least two other post offices, one was Nashville and the other postmark was illegible. Then came back to me with the "package damaged enroute, we're sorry, blah blah blah" note attached. Well, the worst damage to the package was - it was empty. Seriously empty. No stitched surprise, no little extra treats. Just.plain.empty. So, I've started again and I'm just about half with the stitching part and I'm such a slow stitcher it's going to be a little while. But it's have not been forgotten!!!
This pretty swan floated in to my house...

two weeks ago...and I'm so sorry to be so late reporting in. I was away from home and when my mail was brought to me, the packages got left in the car and I just got caught up with them this weekend. And this is just the prettiest little pillow ever!
Carol did a lovely job and the finishing is exquisite - thank you so much - this is my first stitched item exchange and you made it super for me. If only my partner could be as lucky as me...but that's a story for another post...
Monday, 14 July 2008,16:27
Quaker exchange arrived!

I'm so happy, today I received my quaker animal.
Gwen from Columbus sent me a great exchange.
It's really nice, I love it!!
I really enjoyed this exchange and hope we can do more!!
Labels: Elena, Gwen, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange
posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette

quaker link |
A lovely Quaker Cat!

I've been on vacation for the past two weeks and when I got into the office this morning there was a package for me. It was my Quaker exchange! I didn't remember that I had given my work address as my mailing address and so I would be late in receiving my animal.
Elena from Italy sent me this wonderful Quaker Cat made into a pillow with a pocket on the back. She also included some really pretty floss and ribbon. Thanks so much Elena! I love it. Sorry I made you wait to hear if your package had made it accross the water.
Labels: Elena, Margie, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange
Thursday, 10 July 2008,21:05
Give A Sheep-Get A Sheep!
I am so glad Irene enjoyed the Quaker Sheep I sent her. I really liked this design too. He has such a sweet face. I was so thrilled then to get a Quaker Sheep from my stitcher, Veronica. I am also honored to receive an exchange from the
leader of this blog.

I was nearly brought to tears when I opened the package today. There is was with the Italian postmark, right from the region that my great-grandparents came from over 100 years ago. Inside the package was this gorgeous piece.

The border fabric is soft and fuzzy, just like a sheep. Inside the "stitcher's wallet" is lined with a fabric printed with sheep. There are beautiful wooden rings to keep floss neat and tidy and lovely pockets with little heart buttons to stash scissors, needles etc.

I love it! Thank you so much Veronica (and you too Irene) for making my first exchange such an enjoyable experience.
Labels: Jennifer, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, Veronica
Who did the American Sampler?
Saw this done by someone on this blog....I am starting it and have a
question or two....Help, anyone?
Wednesday, 9 July 2008,23:24
Quaker Sheep

Jennifer has outdone herself.

Isn't this just the best. Goodies included my favorite Bliss chocolates, Lavender sachet and candles, Ohio postcards, colored book rings, DMC Linen threads and a fob. Thank you Jennifer, I love it !!
Labels: Irene, Jennifer, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange
Tuesday, 8 July 2008,15:44
A turtle arrives in San Francisco....
I was the recipient of a most wonderful flat fold yesterday.
Mercy from New York sent me a great exchange!!!!! The stitched piece is the Turtle finished off as a flat fold!
Here is a snap of the Turtle -

The picture is a bit dark as Mr Turtle is done is a lovely shade of "Cool Blue."
Not only did Mercy send this beautifully finished piece but she included such great "extra goodies." I was truly gifted by a wonderful and kind giver!!! Thank you so much!!!
I have more snaps of the whole exchange at my blog
I really enjoyed this exchange and hope we can do more!!!!!
Take care,
Labels: Edgar, Mercy, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange
Another turtle has landed!
Thank you, Paula, for my beautiful turtle which arrived safely after crossing the Atlantic Ocean in its new home in Scotland this morning. Thank you too for the little extras you included with it - the floss and the handcream sample which I had been wanting to try. I love Pansies and the colour purple so even the tissue wrapping was a delightful surprise!
Labels: Meg, Paula, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, The Workbasket
Friday, 4 July 2008,10:25
From San Francisco to the UK

Today I received the above from Valerie in San Francisco. It is a beautifully stitched and finished flatfold featuring the adorable Quaker Mouse. It is stitched on Lakeside Linens Vintage Light Examplar fabric with Caron Waterlilies Flagstone floss and the backing fabric and unusual trim co-ordinates perfectly. The goodie package she enclosed contains Samplers and Such "A Spot of Tea" pattern, two skeins of Glorina Poinsettia silk floss, a packet of French, size 28, needles, a magnetic notepad and some Comos flower seeds. Valerie also enclosed two chocolate bars which are not shown in the picture as they were a bit soft from the journey so I have put them in the fridge. Thank you Valerie - a wonderful exchange!
Labels: CarolR, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, The Workbasket, Valerie
Look What Arrived From Scotland

The Rabbit arrived from Meg in Scotland today. Meg I love it and I collect satchels like this. You couldn't have chosen a better finish. I love the colors and the Lindsay tartan is beautiful and means more since it is what your grandmother wore.
The package arrived just as I was leaving for a needle biopsi so this really picked up my day.
I love love love it! Thanks so much.
Jan R Maryland
Labels: Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, The Workbasket
Thursday, 3 July 2008,18:06
Quaker Turtle Arrives!

My little turtle is cute as a button! Thank you for such a cute little pillow! I love the chocolate too! I don't know who sent me the turtle, the address was covered with a air mail stitcker, but Thank you!!!!!!
Labels: Irene, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, The Workbasket
Quaker exchange received by Yuko!
Quaker exchange received by
She stitched the Workbasket frog for me
and added some beutiful and delicious goodies to the parcel.
The frog perfectly matches my kitchen's green colour,
it's lovely! Thank you so much, Yuko!
Mine has left June 26th.
Labels: Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, The Workbasket, Veronica, Yuko
Quaker Cat Has Arrived!
I came home today to find a huge box in my apartment! I was a little surprised as the box was huge and I was expecting a stitchy order in the mail but nowhere near enough to fill up such a big box. But then my poor ailed eyes saw that it said Quaker Exchange on the box! I received my exchange from
Margie. Oh my! She spoiled me. She stitched me up Quaker Cat on a very pale green linen and finished it up in a lovely green box. It is lovely. This is the first box I've ever received so I will be sure to study it. She did such a great job and the green cording and tassel are perfect!

Plus she filled the box with goodies. She sent me a couple of pieces of backing fabric, charms, 2 skeins of Vikki Clayton silk that I've been curious about, M Designs Rose Mosaic Needle Roll chart, a box set of a tape measure, pin cushion/threader and needlecase that looks very interesting and Altoids. I feel very spoiled. Wow...what a wonderful day to end a long day filled with work, an exercise class and a climb up 50 stairs! Thank you so much Margie!
Labels: Margie, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, Valerie
Wednesday, 2 July 2008,23:34
Sorry I'm late!
I mailed out my Quaker Exchange today. It's staying in the US and I sent it priority so the mail person tells me it will be there by Saturday...Monday the latest since it's a holiday here on Friday. Hope my partner likes it :-)
Labels: Quaker animals, Quaker exchange
Tuesday, 1 July 2008,06:13
Wonderful Quaker Animal Exchange from Edgar!!
Yesterday, I've received a wonderful exchange from
He stitched "Quaker Rooster" for me and made it into Pyn Keep!
Amazingly beautiful, isn't it!
I DO really love it and he sent me so many wonderful goodies, too!
The details are on my blog : Here
Thank you so so so much, Edgar for such wonderful treat!
I'd really appreciate for your kind heart!
Labels: Edgar, Quaker animals, Quaker exchange, Yuko
My Quaker Animal Arrived
The critters arrived at Gwen's house today. She says she loves them and I am thrilled. I did both The Quaker Cat and The Quaker Mouse because I couldn't decide which one I liked the best. The finish is in a cube. I can't seem to upload the pictures and I can't figure out why.
Jan R Maryland
Labels: Quaker animals, Quaker exchange