Wednesday, 30 May 2007,16:18
Started BP SAL, Serenity progress....

I started the SAL and there really is not too much to show. I am very happy with my colour and fabric choice. I also worked on Serenity, finished the alphabet and started some of the smaller bits. I am waiting for my LNS to call as they have ordered my floss for the surrounding boarder. It is going to take quite a bit and I wanted it to all come form the same dye lot. Last night I started the Rebecca Jeffcoat 1800 sampler, to fill in after I finish Serenity. I am working it on the recommended 32 count Antique Ivory and with Au ver a Soie floss'. I will snap a picture when it actually looks like something.

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posted by quakered Edgar | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Tuesday, 29 May 2007,22:13
my Simple Little Quaker progress

First of all, thank you for the Blog invite and letting me post some progress on my Simple Little Quaker from Papillion Creations. I'm stitching it on 32ct cream Belfast linen with Carrie's Threads. I love the 'Bubblegum' color especially.

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posted by quakered Tanya | quaker link | 4 quaker comments
Quaker Sampling II finis

I finished up Quake Sampling II from With My Needle on Friday. I used the recommended Lakeside Linens 32 count Sugar Maple linen with Milady's Teal floss. I love how it turned out. :-)

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posted by quakered Margie | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Monday, 28 May 2007,07:13
Beatrix floss toss
I wandered all over town today and finally tracked down the floss I needed. I still need to decide between the two dark browns, but maybe that'll be easier in the light of tomorrow morning. Sorry for the rather obscured view of the beads, but I didn't want to chase them all over the floor. :)
Beatric Potter floss toss
Beatrix Potter floss toss

Happy stitching everyone!

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posted by quakered Ruth | quaker link | 1 quaker comments
Saturday, 26 May 2007,20:49
Beatrix Potter kitted
Eccolo qui, pronto per la partenza! Ci sono lo schema, i filati e la tela.
Peccato che la tela non è quella con la quale ho scelto il colore dei filati da ordinare! Già perché, come una polla, ho fatto le misure un po' troppo di fretta e la smokey pearl scelta all'inizio non lasciava alcun margine di spazio! Così, oggi, quando sono andata a tagliare il pezzo eccedente e me ne sono accorta, ho dovuto deviare su un altro pezzo di tela, un lino azzurro acquistato diverso tempo fa, che fortunatamente avevo in casa. La tonalità, devo dire, è simile, ma l'altra era più grigia e mi sembrava che il colore dei fili risaltasse di più... Ormai è deciso...

My Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler is kitted!
Fabric: 32ct linen from Zweigart
Threads: Sea Foam from Victoria's Silks

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 1 quaker comments
I finally finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy dancing!!!!!!!!!!

Blackbird Designs -- My Quaker House -- completed 5/25/2007

Looks like I can start Beatrix on time :)

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posted by quakered Ruth | quaker link | 3 quaker comments
Friday, 25 May 2007,17:55
Diminutive Dutch Sampler scissor fob
That's my last quaker finished:
a Diminutive Dutch Sampler flower's scissor fob. The original pattern is from Carriage House Samplings, stitched on a 32ct champagne linen. I've changed the colors using Black and Steel Wool from Victoria's Silks, and Belle Soie Chester's Blue from Crescent Colours.

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Thursday, 24 May 2007,23:54
I just joined this group today...thanks for the invitation! I have been reading you all for a while and enjoying every post. What talent you all have! You all do beautiful work.
Just to let you know about me, I have been stitching for about 25 years, although at 7, I embroidered my first dish towel. Complete with knots on the back using 6 plys of floss! I still have it and it reminds me that even at an early age, I knew what was fun! I am self taught but have attended a couple Sampler Gatherings and CATs over the years. I am a speech language pathologist, married with 2 children (DD#1:24 years , DD#2:16 years old. ) married to the best guy in the world.
We live in my family's farmhouse on the MD /PA line that has been in my family since 1899. It was built pre civil war, and of course, always in a state of "repair". This month, we are actually painting rather than fixing something costly!
I also rug hook and quilt. I have about a zillion WIPs between the three if anyone wants to come and play in my stash (es), you are more than welcome.
My camera cord is missing, so it is impossible to post pictures, but when I find it I will post my sampler walls. I have several "vintage" samplers from my family, nothing of real value, yet, just to me. I have them all mixed in together in the dining room and family room. If and when I get all my WIPs finished, I might not have enough wall space! Really.
I plan to SAL with the BP Quaker sampler. I ordered the pattern last week and have the linen ready to go. I just have to decide what color to use. I always tend to use blue, but I am going to think very similar to the pattern. It will be fun to see everyone's progress (when mine is not!) I work full time so stitching/quilting time is precious and find very little of it.
Nice to meet all of you.

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posted by quakered samplerknn | quaker link | 1 quaker comments
Not much progress to report....

This is my progress on AMAP's Victoria's Quaker as of May 20th. I haven't had a lot of stitching time. I do hope to get more done soon though. My next Quaker project will be the new Wiehenburg Quaker SAL that will start on June 1st. I love Martina's Quaker designs & this one is gorgeous! Here is a link if you haven't seen it yet.
I will be stitching it in red, of course! :-)
Happy stitching to all!

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posted by quakered Amy | quaker link | 3 quaker comments
I got a little further....
... just a little. Things are looking hopefully for getting it finished this week -- Just in time for Beatrix!

Blackbird Designs -- My Quaker House as of 5/23/2007

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posted by quakered Ruth | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Tuesday, 22 May 2007,16:52
Wip and BP-SAL Linen/Floss Aquisition
I had a computer crash last week so I had to wait until today to post this update on SERENITY.....I put in my puppies initials on the right and on the other side are my nieces and nephews initials. I am almost finished with the medallions then it is on the the alphabet and the leaf border.This weekend I went to Alameda to "Needle in a Haystack" my LNS and did some looking about and finally, after much deliberation picked this combo for the upcoming BP - SAL. This picture really does not show how well I think these go together. What I chose to work on is a 32 count Belfast Linen called "Vintage Autumn Field" the floss is Soie d'Alger # 4625, which is a really deep wine coloured floss. As I was going over the different pieces of linen I was amazed at the difference in the patterning of the dye lots. I laid out 5 or six pieces of linen all labeled 32 count BL, VAF but they were all so completely different. This particular piece looks like it has had wine spilt all over it and then wrung out leaving a very mottled appearance all over.Can't wait to start.


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posted by quakered Edgar | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Monday, 21 May 2007,19:14
A little further
Just a little. But at least I managed to get the top arch in without it looking too horrendous. :) Hopefully I'll finish in the next two weks so I don't start Beatrix too far behind everyone.
Blackbird Designs -- My Quaker House as of 5/20/07

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posted by quakered Ruth | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Quaker Samplings II Progress

Here is my progress on Quaker Samplings II from With My Needle - I should be finished with this piece by the end of the week. :-)

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posted by quakered Margie | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Hello everybody,
I am new here. My name is Rita, I live in Hungary, have been cross-stitching for 3 years, and have fallen for quaker samplers just recently. The only quaker I stitched so far were three little motifs from Bois le Duc, see:28 count ecru Linda, DMC 121
28 count ecru Linda, DMC 99 28 count ecru Linda, Madeira 2406

I am very excited about the Beatrix Potter SAL. I have some really old linen (from the great-grandma of a Hungarian stitching friend), and I will stitch this one on that. I have not decided on the thread colours yet, still thinking. Most probably I will choose DMC.

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posted by quakered Rita | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Saturday, 19 May 2007,21:33
BBD update
Well I've made it this far
BBD My Quaker House as of 5/13/2007

But somehow I've gotten off one stitch on the top. After several attempts to find out where and how, I've given up and I'm just adding a stitch to each side of the top arch.

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posted by quakered Ruth | quaker link | 0 quaker comments
Tuesday, 15 May 2007,17:04
Material list for Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler
Design Name: Beatrix Potter's Quaker Sampler

Design size: 301w x 271h
Fabric: 32ct Belfast linen Antique Ivory from Zweigart
Au Ver A Soie Soie D'Alger:
#4612 - 6 skeins
Au Ver A Soie Soie D'Alger:
Official conversion:
DMC 356 (7 skeins)
DMC White

Copyright: Needleprint

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link |
Poll results: the winner is...
Beatrix Potter's Quaker SamplerWho will join our second SAL?
The SAL will start Sunday 27th of May


posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 8 quaker comments
My Quaker House finished
Eccola qui, in tutto il suo splendore. Non è deliziosa? Ieri mi è finalmente arrivato il filato mancante e ho fatto l'una e mezza ieri sera per terminarla! Ora dovrò farla incorniciare, trovare una cornice già pronta delle dimensioni giuste è praticamente impossibile. Peccato perché vorrei già vederla appesa in casa!

My Quaker House finished! Yesterday I finally got the missing thread and yesterday night I didn't go to bed until I've finished it. I loved stitched it!

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 5 quaker comments
Monday, 14 May 2007,16:16
My current Quaker project

I thought I would share a photo of my current Quaker project - Quaker Sampler II from With My Needle. I'm using the recommended linen, 32 count Lakeside Sugar Maple and the recommended fiber, Milady's Teal. It's a super quick stitch and I'm enjoying it very much. :-)

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posted by quakered Margie | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Friday, 11 May 2007,15:44
Here is my WIP Serenity
Here is my WIP "Serenity." Boy, this picture makes the fabric look really wrinkled.

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posted by quakered Edgar | quaker link | 6 quaker comments
Thursday, 10 May 2007,16:50
My Quaker Garden
Here is my Quaker Garden, worked on the recommended RR fabric using the WDW floss. I really enjoyed working it up and it was a very quick stitch. Please forgive the photo as I am still learning to use this camera.

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posted by quakered Edgar | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Wednesday, 9 May 2007,19:17
My seventh progress
Questo è il mio ultimo progresso finché non mi arriva l'OWS Weeping Willow dagli Stati Uniti. Ho terminato tutte le crocette con i colori disponibili.

My seventh progress: I've finished all the colors. Still waiting for the OWS thread.

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posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Monday, 7 May 2007,16:26

Eccolo terminato!

Non posso che ritenermi soddisfatta del risultato, ora non mi resta che andare alla ricerca di una degna cornice!!!!

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posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette | quaker link | 5 quaker comments
Friday, 4 May 2007,23:34
Newbie in the house......
Hi everyone,
I am completely new to this board and to blogging!! So if I make mistakes please forgive this newbie. I have lurked about through many bloggs but have never attempted to post nor join. I also am quite enthusiastic about Quaker inspired needle work. I also enjoy the many samplers that are out there to stitch. After getting back into x-stitching last October, after being away from it for a few years, I have completed a few projects. I am very excited about the upcoming SAL. Right now I am working on "Serenity " from Examplers form the Heart using the suggested Crescent Colours over dyed floss on a 28 count toasted almond coloured piece of linen. That's about it for now. If I can get a good photo with my new digital camera I will try and upload some pics. My old camera, how can I put this "broke"so I needed to acquire another one and I am still fiddling with the different buttons and settings.

Take care....

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posted by quakered Edgar | quaker link | 2 quaker comments
Thursday, 3 May 2007,22:38
Away for a while
Hello stitchers.
Just a note to let you know I'll be away for a while:
the two red cats of my fiance and mine are sick, one has a pneumonia
so I'm busy to care, nurse, cuddle and... make them the aerosol!
I hope they get better soon, I'm quite worried... well, I'm really worried, I'm an anxious person...
The animal doctor is confident they will heal.



posted by quakered Dolci Fusa | quaker link | 6 quaker comments
Wednesday, 2 May 2007,05:01
Am I the only one who has lost the ability (link) to leave comments? I can only get to the form for leaving a comment on posts that already have comments on them.

posted by quakered Ruth | quaker link | 7 quaker comments
Tuesday, 1 May 2007,12:09
Quinto progresso!!

Ormai mi manca davvero poco per terminare questo delizioso schema......domenica credo di riuscire a terminarlo!

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posted by quakered Elena - Gatti e Crocette | quaker link | 3 quaker comments